Scorpion and Superior Donuts have been cancelled at CBS. As the blood settles, cast members of both shows have shared their reactions on social media:
thank you so much to @CBS for this journey, to my awesome cast mates and crew whom I learned from every day and to all the wonderful @ScorpionCBS fans for being so passionate about what we created. we’ll always be a family. #TeamScorpion
— Kat McPhee (@katharinemcphee) May 12, 2018
Just found out @CBS cancelled @SuperiorDonuts – it was such a fun show to do w/a great cast. Thanks to all who watched us and thanks to CBS for having us on. Here’s a letter my 7yr old girl wrote to them. On to the next phase! #SuperiorDonuts
— MazJobrani (@MazJobrani) May 12, 2018
Was such a pleasure working with you and this Cast!
— Peter Murrieta (@Mightypeter) May 12, 2018
What’s your reaction to the cancellations of Scorpion and Superior Donuts?
MoMo says
Please @netflix @hulu @cw @nbc @cbstv Give our #Cyclone a chance to be a family again, you can’t leave everything hanging. The characters, actors, and fans deserve a good ending to all the loose ties that you left us with in the season 4 finale. Please! @elyesgabel #katharinemcphee @ripfighter #aristidham #jadynjwong #eddiekayethomas #torn2rbns
Brent says
I never watched Superior Donuts, but cancelling Scorpion was just plain stupid! With all of the different ways to watch a show now, it seem like the original big 3 have no idea how things work. They are looking for ratings that they will never see again, not with 200+ channels rather than the original 3. They need to get with it or sell their stations to someone who understands the “New” way television is watched.
Dj says
I am in shock, I cannot believe what I am reading.
You are throwing away one of the best shows in Tv.Please reconsider
Riv says
WHY is Scorpion being cancelled? I love this show,, even if it has crazy stories sometimes. Will be greatly missed, please consider changing your mind on this show?
Fran says
NO NO NO NO!!!! Please someone pick up Scorpion!! So angry such a good show got cancelled!! CBS went were you thinking, oh right you weren’t!!
Kristin says
What the H is CBS doing. Why are they getting rid of good TV?
pisst says
There they go again cancelling a great show……DONT MAKE THIS MISTAKE bring it back or someone please pick it up.
Very pissed off fan. says
Why spend money bringing back shows that ended over 20 years ago?
Why cant you spend that money on renewing this fab shows?
I am so pissed off on losing really good programs to bring back shit shows.
I think you need to listen to the public and see what we want.
Xander says
You ask “why spend money bring him back shows that ended over 20 years ago“? It’s because of political correctness! The writers in Hollywood have their hands so tied by political correctness they can’t write anything that won’t insult somebody anymore. The only safe thing is to bring back shows that didn’t.
Sheri says
I agree! What’s the use of having a tv any more! All the good shows are being cancelled and the only ones left aren’t worth watching!! I want to know how we get to vote on these shows!
Xander says
Scorpion canceled? Good! I hated that show. The only reason I watched it was because my wife liked the show. Personally I hated the Walter character, Walter started in Scorpion as a whiny vindictive crybaby and at the end of season four he was still that same whiny vindictive crybaby. All the other characters on the show, started off as not very likable people also but their characters grew and actually became my favorite people on the show. H E double hockey sticks even the blonde next-door grew into to a likable character and it only took her one season. Instead of canceling the series the writers should kill off Walter and continue on with the rest the cast. I for one will never missed Walter all he did IMO was hold the show back. My only regret about this cancellation is I’ll never see how badly Centipede kicks Scorpion 2.0’s butt.
itsbmbhere says
CBS cancelled Me, Myself and I for Superior Donuts and now cancelled Superior Donuts CBS seriously needs to do a better job of allowing their programs a fair chance to earn audience loyalty. I didn’t care for Superior Donuts and I didn’t watch Scorpion at all but I loved the few episodes of Me, Myself and I. CBS and all the networks need to give the chance to each program to develop an audience before deciding to cancel them! Network TV loses audience in general over stupid decisions like this!
Karen Crayk says
They are cancelling more and more scripted show in favor of reality TV and I hate it!!! In a few years I won’t be even wanting cable as there won’t be anything worth while watching on TV.. CBS sucks!!!
Richard says
Keep Going CBS and start acting like ABC and NBC. Throwing out good shows on what can only be viewed as a whim.
Sam Grady says
hate that they cancelled scorpion. watched every episode several times and hated the finale as it turns out to be no answer coming. Cancelled my CBS All Access account….CBS is really screwing up
Vickie says
PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL SCORPION!! My husband and I love this show. Why do you keep shows that are boring or remakes and cancel a good one? I got my husband to watch this and he really liked it. Please reconsider canceling Scorpion. It is entertaining and they do interesting things all the time. Please, please bring back the Scorpion team!!
Lindsay Daubert says
WHY?! Why do these networks do this? Scorpion is a great show. So 36 seasons of Survivor is better than shows like Scorpion? Right. So sick of these networks doing this.