The show’s co-star Robin Wright, who plays the quiet, stoic but cutthroat Claire Underwood, wife to Kevin Spacey’s narcissist President Francis Underwood, joked that political reality has become stranger than fiction.
“He’s [Trump] stolen all of our ideas for season six,” quipped Wright. I’ve got to see the hope somewhere,” she said, before adding she wanted to see Michelle Obama take the top job someday. “I think she’d make a great President.”
Source and more: Deadline
House Of Cards Season 5 releases May 30, 2017 on Netflix. Season 5 hasn’t been announced as the last in the political drama’s run, leaving the show’s fate out of its own hands.
Will House Of Cards Season 6 become reality or fall to cancellation? Stay tuned…
Sue O says
I think Michelle would make a great president someday too. Better than the one we have now. Waay better!
LindsayDD says
Agreed. Then again, anyone would be better!