“Strike Back” Begins Season Six Jan. 25 on Cinemax
The show follows the explosive escapades of Section 20, an elite, multinational, covert special ops team, as it spans the globe fighting a vast web of interconnected criminal and terrorist activity.
The action-packed CINEMAX drama series STRIKE BACK will kick off its sixth season FRIDAY, JAN. 25 (10:00-11:00 p.m. ET/PT). Starring Warren Brown, Daniel MacPherson, Alin Sumarwata, Jamie Bamber and Yasemin Kay Allen, the show follows the explosive escapades of Section 20, an elite, multinational, covert special ops team, as it spans the globe fighting a vast web of interconnected criminal and terrorist activity.
Season six credits: executive produced by Andy Harries, Sharon Hughff, Jack Lothian and Richard Burrell; producer, Nuala O’Leary.
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