The Amazing Race Season 30? Host Phil Keoghan has revealed what it would take for CBS to bring the long-running reality series back in 2018, per TVGuide:
I think [Season 30] depends a lot on how many people turn up to watch 29. I think it’s an incredibly competitive television market. I think the reason we didn’t get on [earlier this season] was they were trying new things, new shows. A lot of fans have said, “Why Thursday? Why 10 o’clock? Why can’t it be this? Why can’t it be that?” I’ve just said the same thing to all of them: “Let’s focus on what we do have and what we can do and not what we don’t have and what we can’t do.” This is an opportunity for us to go on a new night — a big night for CBS … and let’s focus on what’s right about this. People keep asking me, “Is there going be 30?” And I say, “If an audience turns up and they watch the show” — and I do believe we’ll get a big plus-3 [in DVR playback] because a lot of families are not going to be watching at 10 o’clock on Thursday, but hopefully we’ll get new viewers too who may have missed us before — “then we’ll be back.” It’s as simple as that.
The Amazing Race Season 29 releases March 30, 2017 on CBS.
Stay tuned as we monitor the cancel/renew status of Amazing Race SEASON 30…
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