Up TV has broken all ties with a freshman drama. The network has cancelled Ties That Bind after one 10-episode season.
In a statement, Up announced it has opted not to continue the Canadian-American drama into Season 2:
After thoughtful consideration, UP has decided to not renew “Ties That Bind.” The decision was not made lightly as we appreciate our passionate viewers who were not ready for the story to end. We want to thank the cast and crew for their tremendous dedication. Your commitment to this series was extraordinary.
Sally says
I don’t get it! Every time a good show comes on, the big wigs can’t wait to cancel it. UP grow some balls and have the courage to keep giving the public good programming!
Jill says
Agreed!!! 🙁
Charity says
Agreed! Fans aren,t important.
Mark Kincaid says
no fans are important in fact they’re the only reason why the bosses create these shows so that enough people can watch them…
we shouldn’t be so mad at the creators of such great shows as this ties that bind, but feel bad that not enough fans are enjoying these…
russell says
fu up
Judith McKenna says
Why is it that a family show that every age group can watch is always the one to go! I liked this show and the cast and each episode got better than the last so I am very disappointed in your decision to cancel a good wholesome show that taught some decent family values. Shame on you!
Charity says
UPTV has a continuous tendency to cancel any series that shows a great promise especially after a first season as with Ties That Binds! I have discontinued watching this network since their audience and fans of these great series don’t seem to matter. Course they don’t care since they are part of a package when you have cable or any subscription and will still get their money. I’m working on changing my subscription so I no longer support this channel. It’s the only way to make a point. Hit them where it counts, the pocket book.
Becky says
Another series that I liked is cancelled. It is amazing that all the shows that seem to lean towards families and the stresses they go through, gets cancelled. I don’t even want to try any new shows next season.
lisa says
This is terrible I just came across this show watched all season 1 and it’s an amazing show. I am so sad I can’t continue as what a good healthy all emotions kind of show. I would love to see more. #supersad
Freda says
I am up set at the canceling of the show. It was a good show and i am sure it had a good following. To not even give a reason why the show was canceled was rude and furthermore to leave the show on a cliffhanger was even worse.