Steve Harvey is a syndicated daytime talk show that ran for five seasons from September 4, 2012, to July 13, 2017, with a total of 920 episodes during its run. It was hosted by comedian and media personality Steve Harvey and taped at the NBC Tower studios in Chicago, Illinois. The show was produced by Endemol Shine North America and distributed by NBCUniversal Television Distribution.
On November 11, 2016, it was announced that Steve Harvey would be cancelled at the conclusion of the 2016–17 season. Concurrently, it was announced that Harvey would host a new talk show beginning the following season, Steve, which is produced in Los Angeles in partnership with IMG and NBCUniversal Television Distribution. Source by Wikipedia
Steve Harvey is EVERYWHERE!
Victoria says
As soon as the format of the Steve Harvey show changed to a “talk show” format with him sitting behind a desk, i.e., Seth Meyers, Jimmy Fallon… the show tanked and I stopped watching it. Harvey is a horrible talk-show host. Just because he’s funny doesn’t mean he’s a good talk-show host. I got tired of him parading his family members onto the show, too. He lacks warmth, and is a bit too crass and narcissistic for me. I think he’d better off sticking to stand-up.