Jennifer Morrison and co’s contracts are winding down, but Once Upon A Time Season 7 is still in the works. ABC has teased how the current season will end — and what a potentially ‘rebooted’ seventh season will look like, with the imminent arrival of two new characters, per TVLine:
The May finale will introduce a pair of guest stars, both of whom have the potential to be series regulars if the show moves forward. First up, the fantasy drama is casting a “strong yet vulnerable” leading man in his late 20s to mid-30s, a gent who was once optimistic and hopeful but now is a friendless, cynical recluse. That said, he still possesses a dormant, deep-seated speak of hope that waits for the right person to reignite it.
The other role being cast is a precocious 10-year-old with a “constant twinkle of mischief in her eye.” And though this girl comes from a broken home, those struggles have only made her stronger — something which will come in handy when darkness threatens “everything she holds dear.” And while the character breakdown notes that this lass “never lets the hard knocks of life get her down,” you would be wrong to guess that she is a certain little orphan named Annie.
Will Once Upon A Time’s rebooted seventh season become reality, thus bringing new life to the series (with or without Jennifer Morrison and co)? Or is it one page too far for the fairy tale saga? Stay tuned…
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