UPDATE: Turns out New Girl has been ‘cancelled’, albeit with a final seventh season.
FOX has cancelled New Girl after six seasons, according to inside intel from star Jake Johnson.
While the network has yet to officially confirm whether or not the sitcom will renew for Season 7, Johnson tells The Daily Beast that the show is almost certainly “done” following its March 28 season (and in his mind, series) finale.
He adds:
“Fox won’t tell us [whether the show will be renewed]. But we shot a finale where, if this was the end, the core fan base would be OK. [But] I think after [Season 6] it’s done,”
Could New Girl‘s apparent fate be changed at last minute by FOX or another outlet? Stay tuned for continued updates on the official status of New Girl…
TJ says
It breaks my heart when a show that is so funny and quirky and like none other on TV is threatened to be canceled.
PLEASE reconsider giving it an extension of life.
Kay says
How this trash made it to 6 seasons is a mystery.
Idelle Day says
It is great to know that this stupid sexual enduendo ridden show is going to be cancelled! Hard to believe that our kids could watch this horrible show!
Kiera says
If you don’t have any thing nice to say you shouldn’t say it; And don’t think I’m not saying anything bad about you while I’m typing this comment and how you dump on what other people love. Plus I am holding back very strong and bad words to say about you only because you left a mean comment on how bad you think that this show is because I know that I am better than you for actually standing up to people like you and how you think your so much better than every one else and that goes for you too Kay and Hank Gathers and before you type anything bad about stuff and how you think it’s crappy you should think, and think about how other people will be hurt by you saying those mean mean words about something they love deeply. Also stop being so selfish and mean. So suck it mister Crabs. And if you don’t get that reference you haven’t even watched the show and if you haven’t then why are you saying bad stuff about something you haven’t even seen or watched. I hope you actually learn something from this or just enough for your tiny little brain to comprehend from this comment about other people’s feelings. Schmidty… OUT
Hank Gathers says
The most moronic trash TV show next to Two Broke Whores. Hopefully it will never be syndicated.
Tammy says
LOL! It’s already in syndication on TBS. It’s a very funny show.
HA! says
I think this is a decent show. It’s not “must see” but it’s decent entertainment at times.. nowhere near the trash that 2 Broke Girls is, but that’s a different network entirely (and no clue how 2BG gets continually renewed).
New Girl has some really good episodes, and others, especially this past season, that are pretty droll. Once everyone, and I mean EVERYONE in the cast, got into committed relationships with other characters the show somewhat fell apart. It’s run it’s course and to me, is at it’s end. Not only is it unnatural for these married, soon to be married, and committed relationships to all be living together.. it’s just weird.. so the premise is broken. The writers wrote the show into a corner where there could only be one outcome. (maybe that was the plan??)
What i really wonder is how Fox cancels this… but the Simpsons is STILL on the air after nearly 30 years. I can’t say New Girl is a groundbreaking stunner.. but it is absolutely better than the Simpsons.
Kristen says
I love New Girl! Please renew for season 7
Luna says
FUCK THIS! It should’ve been cancelled back in season 1… or not ever aired at all! What a waste of time!
dennis says
I admit i didn’t like new girl at first..but as i watched the show i grew to understand each character..they each have their own definite persona..i enjoy the humor of each character..i hate to see good shows come to an end just llke so many others who have favorite shows that are now disappearing..it’s not necessarily poor ratings anymore..it’s the writers poor decision that they want to end the sow so that they can concentrate on their newer better ideas..in other words they don’t care about their viewers as much as they do their pride ,their ambition to be praised and to get ahead..Us viewers are only used as tools for their convenience..it’s absurd.I’ve seen so many shows that i love get canceled in the past few years..not because of ratings or something that can’t be fixed by the writers..and here’s something FYI–in the 70;s 80’s and 90’s there were only a handful of scripted tv shows on the air at any one time..in the 2000’s to now there has become hundreds if not thousands scripted shows all on at the same time competing for ratings..how can we expect our favorite shows to remain on when there is such a huge chance people are being distracted to a different program??in other words,with thousands of scripted tv programs all on at once side by side,if your favorite tv show that comes on at 8pm suffers ratings it’s probably because there’s so many OTHER programs out there that have been diverting people’s attention and decisions…in the 80’s and before ,there was only a handful of scripted tv shows at any given time day or night..compared to today ,you were limitded in your choices..while you might see that as a good thing,then think about your favorite recently canceled tv show..if it were only one of a handful of tv shows that was airing it would most likely NOT be canceled…In the 70’s and 80’s there wasn’t thousands of scripted tv shows like there is today..it’s harder for a tv show to remain on the air today for that reason..it’s only going to get worse..it seems to me with all the channels on cable and more being added ,and more scripted tv shows ,eventually how will any one show ever keep popular ratings long enough to remain on for 5 years or longer??even a year will be pushing it ..i miss the old days cause you had better programming..period..and it’s because you had less competition because of fewer networks and fewer programs ..you want to keep watching your favorite program for more than a a few seasons> then reduce the number of scripted shows..otherwise you’re going to be up against way too many people of other cultures,races,lifestyles,with different ideas of what’s funny ,insulting,conservative,too liberal etc..all watching tv at the same time you are..i think the final resolve for people like us will be to stick to media devices like Roku and watch our favorite content either in reruns at the push of a button or watch channels like Netflix or Hulu that have their own productions of movie and tv content –They’ve been good so far in that realm and i see them as the future of good content..leave the cruddy junk to air on cable and satellite tv